The Suzuki Quarter notes have been very busy this week! We started our Monday morning with decorating our "Pots of Gold" in honor of St. Patrick's Day. 

The Q-tip painting not only promotes fine motor skills, but it's also a fun craft for our class! 

On Tuesday, we began our Bumble Bee creations. We painted them yellow and then added the eyes and colors to complete our bee. 

Our class also wrote our names and worked with letters and numbers as well! 
Lastly, we began our Art Show Canvases outside today, which will mirror Jackson Pollock Drip Painting. Our first coat of paint is on our Canvas and out to dry! Next, we will add the drip painting technique and final touches. 

In Mandarin this week, we discussed the seasons of the year. Miss Pei-Shuan showed us beautiful pictures of the Alishan Mountain in Taiwan. We learned how to say spring, and we read a book by Eric Carle in Mandarin called From Head to Toe. Our class also acted out an elephant at the end of the story! 

In addition, we have been discussing apparel items, such as pants, hats, and skirts. 

In Music this week, Miss Lisa taught us various Irish Folklore, namely "Did you ever see a Lassie?" This folk song, nursery rhyme, and singing game originated in Scotland. 


The quarter notes also worked on passing sticks and chanting "Mississippi stop stop" to the beat of the sticks, which is quite well known to the Suzuki musicians as well!

Outside, the weather has been ideal, creating a fun environment to play with our friends on the seesaws and slides, and chase our peers around!

Mrs. B having an outside party with the Quarter Notes!

We wish all of you a wonderful weekend and look forward to welcoming you to another week of the Quarter Notes this Monday!


