The Suzuki Quarter Notes have had a busy week wrapping up their holiday crafts for Passover plates and Easter bunnies! They have enjoyed every minute and are looking forward to this time with their families!

In our Circle discussions, one of our students said their favorite part of Passover was making Matzah ball soup, finding the Afikomen and time with family. The children also decorated Easter Bunnies to bring home for this Sunday's Easter celebrations

This week with Miss Lisa, we sang “The Good Morning Song” while we passed the ball around to our students. Miss Lisa also introduced new instruments including the cello and the double bass. She also spoke about the wind Instruments, which include the flute, piccolo, oboe, bassoon, and the clarinet.

(Above Miss Lisa working with the Suzuki Quarter Notes on the xylophone, a musical instrument in the percussion family.)

In Sports, Mr. Perry was able to conduct classes outside and challenge his students with an obstacle course, dancing and swimming in the ocean!


In Mandarin this week, we were fortunate to meet our New teacher, Ms. Lily Peng! We went over our colors and learned some new vocabulary, such as a lobster, green tree, and raspberry! We also practiced our counting and colors with pictures of red and green balloons.

Lastly, the Quarter Notes had a wonderful time playing outside with their friends this week especially with the warm weather!


My daughter, Helene, is featured below after her performance in The Children Who Cried Wolf/Les Enfants qui Criaient au Loup and The Three Billy Goats Gruff/ Les Trois Boucs Bourrus.

At Suzuki, we wish all of you a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you after vacation!


